Practical / Part 2

Part 2 consists of detailed and thorough guides that cover all aspects of the ADC practical exam tasks, through simple, direct, easy-to-comprehend language, accompanied by photos, diagrams, and illustrations, so you can easily understand and comprehend the topic at hand. We rely on the show and tell strategy to help you prepare in your comfort zone without wasting time and resources in trial and error.


ADC Online Help offers an expanse of informative and detailed booklets that cover a range of topics.

All About Porcelian Fused to Metal Crown Perfection

Porcelain fused to metal crowns are among the most popular and reliable restorations. Using a cast metal substructure that is veneered with porcelain, this material closely mimics the appearance of a natural tooth. For this restoration to be successful, the tooth must be properly prepared and often substantial tooth reduction is required. The crown must be sufficiently thick enough to hide the metal substructure and the opacious porcelain used to mask this alloy. When preparing a tooth, a systematic and organised approach helps to ensure the prep is correctly shaped. Tooth preparation involves several distinct steps.

All the dental textbooks covering fixed prosthodontics subjects that we came across during my carrier describe crown preparation in the same traditional way, which is why we would like to introduce a simplified new approach that give you the guidlines, detailed new method for tooth preparation to get the best results, in addition to that, some common faults and how to avoid them are included as well.

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Infection Control Measures

Infection control in dentistry can be defined as a series of measures to block the route of transmission of pathogens within the dental surgery. Many candidates has doubts about how to fulfil the requirements of this task.In this guide we will take you through all the procedures that you should follow.

This booklet is even better than what you could think about, we organised it in a way that enable you to read it all for the first time then you can come back and read the most important points that are written in blue coloured font and the most critical points are written in red coloured font to make it easier for you reviewing the most important measures about infection control before the exam date.

We collected the most relevant contents to the ADC exam environment from our experience with the practical examination supported by information extracted from the 800 pages of the 7 most known infection control resources.

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Complex Amalgam Restoration

Mastering all the criteria of functionally acceptable dental amalgam restoration looks very demanding for all. In addition to that, I could not find a single dental text book with step wise demonstration of how to do complex amalgam restoration. This fact inspired me to write this illustration which is fluff free and direct.

This guide concentrates on a specific practical aspect. Also, you will notice that all the used instruments are basic traditional ones, which make the goal achievable for all.

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Class II Composite Resin Restoration

The use of the composite materials to restore form and function of posterior teeth damaged by disease, age or trauma is gaining wide acceptance by the dental community. eventhough, the use of composite for posterior teeth is challenging due to many reasons that you already know like; Polymerization shrinkage, More technique sensitive than amalgam, requires more time for placement, and it is Expensive in comparison to amalgam restoration. In this booklet you will go through the process of anatomical composite build up for posterior teeth.

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Class II Composite Cavity Preparation

Recent technological advances in adhesive dentistry along with the increasing patient demand for tooth coloured restorations have forced the routine use of contemporary resin composites for the restoration of carious lesions.Biggest advantage of composite is its esthetic appearance. Universal acceptance in esthetic zones makes composite indispensable. Relatively due to its less complex tooth preparation that conserves tooth structure leaving stronger remaining tooth structure to support restoration. In addition to that, Micro- mechanical bond with tooth structure results in good retention, low microleakage, minimal interfacial staining.Cavity preparations for composite restoration differ from cavity preparations for amalgam restoration. Here, we go through the key points of cavity preparation for composite to meet the ADC exam criteria.

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Endodontic Access Opening on Molar Teeth

As a clinician, it is essential to approach each dental procedure with care and precision to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient. When it comes to performing a maxillary molar access opening, a conservative approach is often the best choice. A conservative-sized access opening allows for better preservation of tooth structure, reduced risk of iatrogenic damage, and easier restoration of the tooth after treatment.

The goal of a conservative access opening is to remove enough tooth structure to gain access to the pulp chamber and canals while leaving as much of the tooth's structure intact as possible.

Overall, a conservative approach to maxillary molar access openings can lead to better long-term outcomes for the patient. By preserving as much tooth structure as possible, the clinician can help maintain the tooth's strength and durability while also reducing the risk of complications.

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